Johnsons 4fleas Dual Action Spot On for Large Dogs is a rapid, monthly spot on treatment to kill fleas on dogs.
This 4Fleas Dual Action Spot-On Flea treatment is recommended for Large Dogs over 8 weeks of age and weighing 25kg body weight and over.
4Fleas Dual Action Spot-On Kills fleas and biting lice, kills flea larvae in the area around your dog including there bedding and resting areas. Fleas are killed within one day following treatment, one treatment prevents further flea infestation for 4 weeks.
Pack contains 2 Pipettes (2 treatments) - each 4.0ml pipette contains 400mg imidacloprid as active substance. (Same active ingredient as Advantage)
- 1 treatment prevents further infestation for 4 weeks.
- Fast-acting treatment stops Fleas biting in 3-5 minutes
- Kills 98-100% of Fleas within 24 hours
- Indicated for use in cases of flea allergy dermatitis
- The solution distributes evenly across the body
- Can be used to treat all the pets at the same time
Remove one pipette from the package. Hold pipette in an upright position, twist and pull off cap. Use reversed cap to twist and remove seal from pipette. With the dog in the standing position, part the coat between the shoulder blades until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the pipette on the skin and squeeze firmly several times to empty the contents directly onto the skin.
Please read enclosed leaflet before use.